We are advocating for a Federal Convention to streamline the bureaucracies of State and Federal Governments which is costing taxpayers billions of dollars every year.
Our new tax policy is designed to empower Australian workers, increase business productivity, ensures fairness, and will stem the leakage of profits offshore.
Australia is a country built on immigration.
However, our current immigration rate is unsustainable, impacting the cost of living and housing affordability.
Education standards should not be set by career bureaucrats in big government. Education should be a competition of ideas and devolved where possible to schools, communities and parents.
We are calling for whistle blower protections, through the National Crime & Corruption Commission (NACC) so that public servants acting in good faith can report misconduct without fear of recrimination.
Australia’s mainstream media has become too concentrated. We are calling for media companies will be restricted to owning only two of the three major mediums for communication – TV, Radio and Newspapers.
People First will end funding for Welcome to Country and reform Native Title to remove unsupported claims, while allowing eligible land to be converted to freehold and managed by traditional owners.